Jan 18, 2008

ATC - New For Me

Last night I was a little bored, so I pulled out some scraps and played around a bit. I felt like I hadn't sewn in years and some things were a bit rusty it seems. I have gotten the bug to make some ATC's for trading. If you are new like me, this stands for Artistic Trading Cards. I did a search on the internet, found millions of sites that were for rubber stamps or hand drawn art work. Not a lot working in fabric. These little cards are the same size as a business card. I did find some interesting sites for fabric post cards, which may be the next project, but will see how these go first. I want to do some crazy quilt ATC swaps, have already signed up for one group.

Okay, I know I will never be able to even come close to the beauties I found photos of, but I really had a lot of fun with what I started.
These are the very first attempts at making some ATC crazy quilt style cards. Just four of them for now, and just the basic card. I am thinking over what I am going to embroidery on them to embellish them. Not the greatest photos I know, but here are a couple of closer views.

Am anxious to dress them up, see what develops out of my strange little mind on to the fabric. And it can at times be a little, shall we say over the edge?

At any rate, the only down side to these little cards is the size. Makes it a challenge just sew up the base block. Prints that are not so large as to dwarf the entire block, small enough pieces that will actually show enough color to notice but not not take away from any focus fabric. I can see the same challenge with the embellishing. The balance and proportion will be key, don't want a chain stitch that takes up half the card, but want the stitch large enough to show up.

The positive sides is the size. Small enough to feel like you can scrap what doesn't work with out thoughts of wasting materials. Small enough to try out new techniques or stitches and still get the full effect as a result. Definitely a way to use up those scraps of fabric that are really too small to do anything with and my tightwad nature won't let me toss them. Yes, I predict there is going to be a pile of these babies knee deep before I am through. Well okay, ankle deep at any rate. I have to be careful, don't want to get so obsessed over them that I leave some on going projects unfinished.

Yes, I know, I hear it calling to me, but the baby blanket is yelling a little louder "please finish me up already" and I have a dress whose voice is even louder "IT'S BEEN ALMOST A YEAR, MAKE THE DARN BUTTONHOLES ALREADY SO YOU CAN WEAR US" right along with the shirt that is cut out "THESE PINS ARE GOING TO RUST INTO ME" and of course there are the combined voices of my blocks from various swaps that are constantly forming a choir to sing the songs of "Finish us too, we have waited so long".

No wonder I am going insane with all those voices constantly in my head.

That is all for now. The bath and bed are the voices being heard the clearest at the moment. Seems to be that a bath is the only way I can get warm since this blasted fog hit. I normally enjoy the fog, like I am being hidden away from the world. But that was when I didn't have to drive in it every morning to get to work. Now, it is cold, damp, and makes my bones weary and depressed. SO...off to warm in the bath tub, then to sleep, then to brighten my day with bright colors of everything I find made in to ATC and hearts for trading. Hope some one will want to trade when they are completed. Maybe even some post cards as well. Of course that will be after I finish the quilt, the dress, well that is the plan anyway.


Charlene ♥ NC said...

I think you've got a great start there! Have you joined the ATC swap on CQ4N? Not me, but I'm watching!!

Gerry said...

Great ATC's. Boy, I didn't know about this blog. I keep looking at the other one. Now you're "Blog Rolled".