Jan 26, 2008

Finished My First ATC

Yesterday I worked all evening and only got two little Crazy Quilt ATC cards finished for trade. I hope that they will be acceptable.

This is my first efforts at this type of project. I think they turned out okay for a beginner. My little camera for some reason will not take good close up shots. Am pretty sure there is some setting I might could change, but have no clue what it would be. Now that the other computer is set up with a printer/scanner, I may try to scan them and see if I can get the little stitch detailing to show up any better.

Now, I guess I can see if anyone wants to trade with me. May need to work on my embroidery stitching a little more. I know I tried the bullion stitch on the bottom one. Do not like that stitch at all. But, there are a ton of them I can try on future projects. Speaking of which, learning stitches that is, ordered some new books and am looking forward to their arrival.

On another thread of thought, so to speak, one of my crazy quilt groups had a fairy tale round robin exchange. I had initially signed up for the swap, made my beginning blocks, created my story to pass around with it and all. Remember, I said that when I dive in, I really dive in. At any rate, had planned on being in 4 groups. Had it all planned how the four blocks would go together to make one wall hanging. Wrote up a story that the blocks represented and then divided that story so that only the part of the story that involved that block would be sent with it. Alas, that was the same time I was hired and started back to school so I ended up seeing really quick there would be no time for such things so asked to be dropped from the round robins. I was going through my box of projects and found two of my beginning blocks.

I see where I started to do a little embellishment on one of the blocks, even more impressive is that I actually remember what I was planning for those parts of it.
I was using a book for inspiration and stitch directions for the embellishment treatments, the book has disappeared, wrote more about that on my other blog, have ordered a replacement for it, will be able to go back to work on this project when the book arrives. These "sea" blocks will be in the UFO box for a while any way, have plenty of other things to work on until then that take priority. Who knows, maybe some type of ocean or sea theme round robin will be started. I will be ready.

One of the groups is holding a "Food Fight" where we make a completed block representing our favorite dish, include the recipe and send it to the host who will then swap them out. This sounds like so much fun. Now to decide on a favorite dish. I have all these scraps of fabric with chili peppers and my mouth is watering at some of my favorite Tex Mex recipes. Must be the Texan in me. It really bites though that due to being sick nothing, I mean nothing, has any taste to it. Except that god awful cough medicine. Oh well, will be sure and post photos as that project develops.

1 comment:

Gerry said...

The 'sea themed' blocks are awesome!

Great ATC's too. Glad to see things are MOOOOOO-ving along for you. (sorry, I couldn't resist)